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Grade 4- Netball: Creative Arts and Sports



Catching is the act of grasping or seizing the ball.

A two-handed catch is done using both hands

 How to perform two handed catching

1.     Eyes on the ball

2.     Move towards the ball

3.     Stretch the arms with fingers spread to meet and snatch the ball towards the body.

4.     Control the ball with fingers and thumb


Safety tips

1.     Make sure there is enough space between you and the other playmates when throwing and catching the ball

2.     Catch the ball with fingers spread out not closed, to avoid injuries


Pupil’s Activity

Page 14-15 

Knelling overhead throw

Player holding a ball and throws the ball from above the head for maximum distance while in a knelling position.

How to perform kneeling overhead pass

1.     Assume a full kneeling position

2.     Hold the ball above your head with both hands, fingers well spread the ball.

3.     Pass the ball above your head accurately to your partner


Safety tips

1.     Ensure the ground is safe for kneeling

2.     Use the correct technique for passing sing overhead throw



Pupil’s Activity

Page 16-17


Honesty in sports

Pupil’s Activity

Page 17-18


Over arm pass

It is a skill mostly used in sports for throwing a ball far and for making quick accurate passes.

How to perform the over arm pass

1.     Eyes focused on the target

2.     Stand to the target of the throw

3.     The throwing arm moves downwards and upwards

4.     Step towards the target as hip and shoulders rotate and release the ball.


Pupil’s Activity

Page 19-20


Overhead pass

An overhead pass is when player throws the ball with both hands starting from behind the head and releasing ball out front.

The overhead pass is used for making a long pass.

 How to perform overhead pass

1.     Assume a staggered stance.

Staggered stance is a standing position in sports in which the feet are spread to the width of the hips and the toe of one foot is on a line behind the heel of the foot.

2.     Hold the ball above your head with two hands.

3.     Spread your fingers well behind the ball.

4.     Pass the ball over your head with a follow through.


Safety tips

1.     Make sure you observe the rules when passing the ball for your own and others safety.

2.     Use the correct technique.



Pupil’s activity

Page 22-23


Underarm Pass

  • It is a pass used to pass the ball to a partner over a short distance.

  • Under arm pass is a one-handed pass that is taken from below the waist area.

  • It is used to pass a ball to a team member who is close.


Pupil’s Activity

 Page 23-24


How to perform underarm pass

1.     With your feet staggered hold the ball with both hands.

2.     Withdraw the ball backwards and transfer your weight to the back foot.

3.     Give the ball a forward thrust.

4.     Transfer weight to the front leg simultaneously.

5.     Release the ball in the desired direction with one hand.


Pupil’s activity

Page 24-25


Chest pass

  1. It is the most common pass used in ball games.

  2. It is one of the easiest passes to perform.


How to perform the chest pass (Chest pass teaching point)

1)     Both hands at the chest height level supporting the ball, that's, hands on the ball.

2)     Thumbs pointing each other, and fingers spread behind the ball.

3)     The elbows pointing outside or outwards.

4)     Pass the ball by use of both hands.

5)     Follow through


Pupil’s activity

Page 26-27



Commitment is the willingness to give your team time and energy to a job, activity or something that you believe in.

  • Commitment to a team during games and sport is important.

  • It is hard work and loyalty that someone gives to an organization, a team or activity.

  • It helps one develop positive habits as he or she learns how to work with others for success of the team.


Bounce pass

  1. Bounce - to cause to rebound or be deflected.

  2. Bounce pass is done by holding the ball close to the chest and passing it to the playmate.


  How to perform Bounce pass (teaching points)

1)     This is used in congested space/ place. May with one or two hands.

2)     Grip the ball with both hands.

3)     Fingers spread.

4)     Elbows pointing outwards.

5)     The ball is directed towards the floor just behind the feet of the tight defense.

6)     One handed straight shoulder pass

7)     Hands spread evenly behind the ball.

8)     The body turned sideways.

9)     The palm is cupped, and thumb spread to support the ball.

10) Throwing arm is thrust from the shoulder with a follow through.

11) Flick of the wrist will give spread to flight of the ball.


Safety tips

  1. Ensure you observe the rules when passing the ball for your own and others safety.

  2. Use the correct technique to pass the ball.


Pupil’s activity

Page 29-31

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