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Grade 4- Industries in our county

An industry is a place where raw materials are made into useful products. 

Industries are the processes and activities to produce final goods from raw materials

A factory is a place where raw materials are turned into new and useful products


Types of industries


  • Also called primary industries

  • The produce goods used in other industries

  • Mostly deals with agricultural products

  • Examples of processing industries

  • Coffee and tea processing industries



Manufacturing industries

Also called secondary industries

Relies on some goods from primary industries

Some uses raw materials directly

Examples of manufacturing industries

  1. Cement making

  2. Oil refineries

  3. Glass making industries

  4. Paper making industries

  5. Medicine making industries



To assemble is to put together

It involves putting together items to get a complete item

Examples of assembling industries

  1. Motor vehicle assembly

  2. Bicycle assembly

  3. Radio assembly

  4. Television assembly



They provide services

Examples of service industries

  1. Banking

  2. Hotels

  3. Printing and publishing

  4. Transport and communication

  5. Insurance

  6. Tourism


Jua kali

  1. Uses the locally available materials

  2. Operates in open air

  3. Requires little capital to start

Products from the Industries


Raw materials


1) Creameries 


Cheese, butter, milk powder, 

2) Cement making


Cement for building houses

3) Car Assembly



4) Jua kali

Scarp metals 


5) Bakeries  


Cakes. Flour,

6) Weaving



7) Pottery 


Pots and ceramic made materials

8) Shoe making

Leather, hides


9) Wood carving

Tree woods

Sculpture of animals like a lion

10)  Brick making

Stones, bricks

Bricks for building


Benefits of Industries in the County

  1. Creates employment

  2. Promotes trade

  3. Source of revenue to the government through taxes

  4. Leads to development of infrastructure

  5. Leads to urbanization

  6. It is a form of income to Farmers when they sell their produce to the industries and get money

  7. Promotes agriculture

  8. Improves the peoples living standards

  9. Industries provide goods that we need in our lives

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