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Grade 3- Skipping

Skipping is a locomotive movement  is a step forward on one foot and a hop on the same foot, with Rhythm of long step forward and short hop.

Stepping skip

Teaching points for this skill

  1. Keep body erect, with body evenly distributed on both feet and toes.

  2. Keep shoulders level and held high.

  3. Relax arms at sides.

  4. Look straight ahead

  5. Step forward on one foot and hop on to it, landing on the ball of the foot.

  6. Bend the other knee and and bring it forward

  7. Move the arms freely in opposite toebut never above the shoulder.

Learners to perform warm up activities like jogging on the spot, jump on the spot, chase one another within the marked area.

Demonstrate the skill of skipping,let learners repeat the demonstration after you. Then ask them questions like,can you tell me which parts of the body you use while skipping?

The parts of the body used while stepping skip are legs, feet, shoulder, arms and hands.

Skills in skipping

Individual skipping – Every learner has own space and starts to skip.

Partner/ Group skipping – Learners to skip in pairs/ groups which helps to master the skill.

Circular SkippingLearners gets into a circle and skips within it.

Skipping with Partner In pairs facing same direction one learner holding the rope behind the partner about 2 metres Infront. The learner with the rope gives a signal and starts to skip turning the rope forward, the partner run and turns to face same direction.

Skipping in threes- Two learners hold the rope behind the bodies, the third one stands between them about a meter Infront. On signal all three start to skip and jump in unison on the spot. One of them changes role with the one at the centre and they start to skip again.

Skipping in and out of the circle Demonstrate the skill first as learners watch.

Learners to be in groups of 8-10 learners

Learners in each group line up behind each other

About six hoops arranged in a line, 2 m Infront of each group.

On signal the one Infront of the line takes a short run and skips in and out of each troop, and then runs back to stand behind the last person in the line.  The next in the line starts to skip only after the team mate has skipped out of the last good.  The group whose all members complete skipping without any members making mistakes becomes the winner

Skipping relay mark two lines 15 metres apart

Learners stand behind one line beside each other about a metres apart.

Each learner has arms stretched down

On a signal,all start to skip to try and get to the other line and then skipback to the starting line

The race winner  is the learner who completes without stopping or making any mistake.

How to skip a rope

Hold the rope at each end using each hand behind your body.

Swing the rope upwards over the head bringing it forward and downwards then jump over it as you swing the rope backwards.

Continue doing this several times

Practice time

Skipping rules to keep you safe

Use a goof rope

Keep enough distance between you and other people

Skip on a flat ground that does not have object or holes.

Practice rope skipping

Practice rope skipping while singing action songs that you know and you’re very familiar with e.g the most common one for kids is

‘Public van, public van,

Number 28 by one forego,

Fastino,I stop




Skip a rope while moving in different directions such as forward, backward, to the left and to the right

Skip a rope while moving in different ways such as forming circles, lines, curve, letters, numbers or shapes

Skip at a low level, medium level and high level

Skip over, under, between, along and beside objects



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