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Grade 3- Pulling and Pushing

Pushing is a controlled forceful action performed against an object/obstacles/ partners body to move the body away from the object or move the object in a preferred direction by applying fire to it.



Pulling is a controlled movement and forceful action that brings an object closer to the body or the body closer to the object. When pulling causes the body to move, followed by the object being pulled, it is the pulling force that causes the body to follow the body.


 A combination of pushing and pulling can be fun for the learner and should be arranged in progression with regard to level of difficulty.

A signal may be used to prompt learners to change from one movement.


 Teaching points for pushing

·        Start from a staggered position for balance/ broad foot base

·        Lower the body’s center of gravity

·        Direct the line of force towards the object

·        Keep the body in alignment as much as possible,do not bend the waist, and aim for a forceful push

·         Push should be controlled and firm.

Performing pushing and pulling in different directions

Learners to perform in different directions like.

Pushing Contest

Elbow Tug Contest

One hand tug of war


·        Get a comfortable grip of the object or target

·        Broaden the base by standing in a a staggered position.

·        Lower the center of gravity by lowering the body.

·        Vertical axis of the body provided a line of force away from the object.

·        Pulling should be controlled with minimal jerking and tugging.

·        Gather force and pull steadily

Plaiting a Three-strand rope

Materials Needed

Wool,strings,long grass,sisal fibres, plastic carrier bags

Procedure for plaiting a three-strand rope

A three-strand plait is the simplest to make; -

1.       First, make a knot with the three strings to stop your plait coming unravelled, and fix your strings down – you could tie them to something or stick them to a surface with a cello tape.

 2. Start the plait by moving the left hand strand Infront of it’s next  door neighbor to become the middle strand


3. Now move the right hand to become the middle one.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the plait is the length you want. It helps if you keep the strands untangled below the place you are working, otherwise the plait can easily turn into a messy tangle.

Finish the plait with another knot to stop it becoming undone.

Use the rope to perform the activity of pushing and pulling.

Activities involved in pulling and pushing

1.  Pulling and pushing imaginary things

Demonstrate to learners pulling and pushing imaginary objects up and down from the sky and varying speed.

Learners are freely within the marked area. They reached for the sky and imaginary objects downwards towards the body. They should vary the speed of the pull from slowly and steadily then quickly. They can repeat several times changing to face another direction.

After some time they change to pushing imaginary upwards to the sky away from the body. They push imaginary light objects fast,then change to to imaginary heavy object.


Staggered position in pushing

Pictures showing pushing technique

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