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Grade 3- Animals

Animals are part of living organisms.

  1. They are important in many ways.

  2. Some are kept at home.

  3. Others stary in the forest.

  4. Animals we keep at home are called domestic animals.

  5. Those that live in the forest are called wild animals.

Importance of Domestic animals to Human beings.

Some domestic animals give us food such as beef, milk, mutton eggs honey and pork.

Example of animals that give us food include:

  1. Cow.

  2. Goat.

  3. Sheep.

  4. Chicken.

  5. Bees.

  6. Pigs.

Some domestic animals like dogs provide us with security.

A dog does not allow strangers in our homes.

Some domestic animals provide companionship.

These animals are called pets

Examples of pets at home include:

  1. Dogs.

  2. Cats.

  3. Pigeons.

  4. Rabbits.

Some animals we keep at home provide manure.

Manure makes soil fertile.

When the soil is fertile plants grow well

We get manure from the following animals

  1. Cattle/ Cow

  2. Rabbits

  3. Goats

  4. Chicken

  5. Sheep

Some domestic animals help us to do work at home.

Animals like oxen help us in ploughing our farms

Some domestic animals help us in transporting things such as loads.

Example of animals that help us to transports loads are:

  1. Donkeys

  2. Camels

Some animals are used by people in Sports Activities.

Examples of animals used in sports activities include:

  1. Bulls

  2. Horses

  3. Cocks

Some animals are source of energy such as biomass.

Some animals attract tourists.

Ways of caring for domestic animals

We can take care of our animals by:

  1. Cleaning their habitat (Where they stay)

  2. Grooming-cleaning animals.

  3. Feeding the animals.

  4. Watering animals- provide them with clean water.

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