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Grade 2- Elements of Music and Expressive Singing

An element is a characteristic part of which something is made.

The basic elements of music while singing are:

  1. Pitch Is how high or low the music is. Pitch is highness or lowness of a sound

  2. Tempo. Is how fast or slow the music is

  3. Dynamics. The pattern of the music. This is the loudness or softness of a soun

  4. Melody: A combination of pitch and rhythm produces a flow of pleasant sounds called melody

  5. Rhythm: How music moving.  It is a combination of long and short sounds which with varying level of accentuation produces strong and weak beats.

  6. Harmony: This where two or more melodies are sounded simultaneously. The melodies must agree and be pleasant when sounded together.

The expression of ideas, feelings and emotions is actualized through understanding the meaning of words, use of facial expressions, gestures and movement.

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