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Grade 1- Common Accidents at Home

When we are at home, we use different things when working and playing.

Some of them can harm us when using them.

When some of the thing harm us we call it an accident.

Some of the common accidents at home are:

  1. Falls

  2. Cuts

  3. Burns

Ways of preventing accidents at home.

  1. Wipe in spills on the floors. This helps us not to slide and fall.

  2. Arrange furniture in the rooms properly. This helps us to fall and hit things.

  3. Dispose waste well to avoid sliding when walking.

  4. Cover open pits.

  5. Tools like knives and forks should be used with care.

  6. Medicines should be used properly

Ways of ensuring cleanliness at home.

  1. Collecting litter.

  2. Sweeping.

  3. Dusting.

  4. Wiping.

  5. Proper disposing of waste.

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