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Components of Folk Dance


Dance: This is the movement of body parts in response to Music.

Aspects: These are ideas which make up a Folk Dance.

  1. Costumes These are clothing worn by the participants during the performance of a folk dance

Roles of Costumes

  1. To depict the cultural community

  2. To make participants appealing

  3. To distinguish different roles

  4. Influence participants level of confidence

  5. Allow participants freedom of movements

  6. Enhance the visual effects of the dance movements

  7. They serve as a symbol of beauty and harmony

  8. Creates uniformity among participants

2. Body Adornments

This is an art involving decoration of the body through the use of paints ochre or henna.

It is also the application of substances of ones body to make him or her appealing

3. Ornamentation

This is the use of instruments during the performance of a folk dance.

4. Body Movements

This is the movement of body parts by participants during the performance of a folk dance to express emotions

5. Dance Formations

These are dance patterns made by participants to add beauty to the folk dance. 

6. Songs

These are African Folk Tunes drawn from a particular community. They are usually sang using the local languages

7. Messages

These are ideas communicated through the use of songs.

Every song which is sang has an intended message to the audience

8. Props

These are items used during the performance of a Folk Dance

9. Instrumentations

This is the use of instruments during the performance of a folk dance.

Roles of Instrumentalists

  1. They are participants who plays the instruments

  2. They help keep the steady beat of a folk dance

  3. They help in pitching the performance

  4. They make the dance lively and interesting

  5. They enrich the texture of performance

  6. They assist in changing of the melodies, dance, styles and formations to ensures the transitions are smooth

  7. hey provide melodies support to the rhythms and melodies in the dance

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