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A Man There Lived In Galilee

A Man There Lived In Galilee

Like None Who Lived Before,

For He Alone From First To Last

Our Flesh Unblemished Wore;

A Perfect Life Of Perfect Deeds

Once To The World Was Shown,

That People All Might Mark His Steps

And In Them Plant Their Own.

A Man There Died On Calvary

Above All Others Brave;

The Human Race He Saved And Blessed,

Himself He Scorned To Save.

No Thought Can Gauge The Weight Of Woe

On Him, The Sinless, Laid;

We Only Know That With His Blood

Our Ransom Price Was Paid.

A Man There Reigns In Glory Now,

Divine, Yet Human Still;

That Human Which Is All Divine

Death Sought In Vain To Kill.

All Power Is His; Supreme He Rules

The Realms Of Time And Space;

Yet Still Our Human Cares And Needs

Find In His Heart A Place.

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